Jetty, morning finner, Bondi 7:20am


It’s incredible what a difference 24 hours makes in the ocean. Yesterday, it was unsurfable and thundering into the bay, bouncing off the back walls. Today, it’s completely dropped off and only 3 foot – how good! Nice clean offshores grooming the multiple Bondi peaks. Large crowds up early, tackling the cooler mornings. It will […]

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Cavity glow, Bondi circa 7am today

Little Monsters

The swell has slipped a few gears, and the little tykes dominated the south peak. The low tides made it tricky, but the groms tucked in. It’s only 2-3 feet and clean at sunrise. It was a cold morning, with only 8 degrees on the mercury. The wind was particularly brutal, but the brine was […]

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Peekaboo with Willie, under the thick lip. Bondi 7am


Autumn in Sydney never fails us, a constant supply of swell and some really curving water at South Bondi. Sets broke over head high, crowds were hungry and the water reasonably warm for this time of year. The day began dark under threatening dark skies, but at 9 a.m., it cleared for a glorious sunny […]

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The stage is set, big weekend coming up in Bondi


Bondi is gearing up for a party this weekend as 15,000 people hit the beach for the annual Pride party. This morning was a good prelude as the beach was absolutely packed at 6 am. I overheard a British tourist say, “What on earth is going on geezer? I mean, it’s 6am; why is everyone […]

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34 degrees yesterday and Sydney hit the beach. Bronte around midday


Yesterday was a busy beach day around Sydney, soaking up mid-thirties and leftovers from Saturday’s giant swell. It was huge, wasn’t it? See my IG stories for some waves at Ben Buckler. Today, the swell has dropped a couple of gears, and we have chest-high, lumpy surf. This morning, it looks tricky at Bondi, fat […]

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Lip strike, 6:20am


I took the mini-froth-lords on an excursion to an east-facing beach – hoping for bigger waves and less crowd. We weren’t the only ones with that idea! We discovered 3-4 foot bowls amongst an early (chaotic) crowd. I always thought Bondi was the pinnacle of surfing chaos – we’re not alone! NW winds and plenty […]

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Door to door on my street - the man hunt - yesterday

Bondi Manhunt

Never a dull moment around Bondi. Yesterday arvo, whilst cooking my famous Beef Boganoff (Fusion edition), the police surrounded our houses along the street. I thought it must be the alluring scent of my culinary genius bellowing onto the road (again)—like when you wander past Belle’s chicken. MMMmmmmm. The POLAIR helicopter then parked directly above […]

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Ed Ryall, dancing on the lip before popping out a finbox


Finally, it’s gone offshore and there’s treats down the beach. Bondi was super fun at sunrise, with twin peaks feeding off a solid rip. Swimming with a camera was good exercise! Plenty of loops. How big? Shoulder with a few rare bombs overhead high. Crowds? Nah, not busy really for Bondi. Sun? Ah-huh. Yeah baby. […]

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The sun is back, the surf is fun and it's good times


This week is kicking off in glorious spring fashion – waves, gentle winds and sunny skies. So good! I spent the morning swimming with my camera at South Bondi. It was great exercise, swimming against the ridiculously strong rip, but was tough to sync up with crew to shoot. My method: simply jag a shot […]

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Yes Wilbur, hammering this section. Bondi 6:45am


After a night of thunderstorms and the odd sprinkle, we’ve woken to a spectacular Bondi day. Only two more days of winter, then these mornings become warm and long. That’s exciting. The waves have been interesting lately; it’s incredibly inconsistent and tied to specific tidal requirements. This morning, bang on sunrise, I saw some fun-looking […]

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Low tide drainers, south Bondi


The beach is full of dramatic rips, sweeps and shallow banks. Exacerbated by the lower morning tides, there’s plenty of hollowness and straightness. Nothing too exciting, 2-3 foot (mainly 2) but the super-groms and mini-john-johns were pumped. Sun finally came out, and the winds were non-existent. Clean az. I’m a big fan of Indonesia and […]

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Nice little patch of colour this morning pre-sunrise

Dawn Patrol

The clouds parted for the sunrise – very pleasant down there today. Did you get down? Most Sydney beaches would have waves today from this little East swell. Bondi had the odd shoulder-high set but closed out a lot until high tide. It’s uber-clean with little wind. The water is bath-like and salubrious. OneWave is […]

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Mid-length driving from the bottom


Oh, how nice, a little reprieve from the constant rains this morning – hell – I even saw the sun! How good. We are experiencing the wettest year since records began (164 years). Around lunchtime yesterday, we surpassed the record of 2194mm of annual rainfall from 1950. The thing is, we still have a couple […]

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