You’ve probably already heard through global news that there is a MONSTER swell hitting the Hawaiian Islands right now. I’m getting messages from all over the place wondering what it looks like here. To be honest I don’t know what all the fuss is about. When I went for my morning coffee down the road, […]
It’s Friday and the swell is dropping just in time for the weekend. It’s still rideable and chest to head high on sets. The NW (6kn) winds have really cleaned the place up and the new banks are working a treat. After all that rain I reckon the south drain pumps out some sand into […]
I’ll keep it short for you today… The swell has come up a little…it’s now breaking around your waist line (but is very weak and suitable for Malibu equipment). The swell is from the ENE so Maroubra, Tama, Bronte should have more swell, but let’s face it, it’s not pumping. The water temperature has dropped […]
Bondi Bumps
We haven’t had good waves in ages. Not much has broken over my head during the festive season in Sydney. My shrink told me to look at other sports over summer, you know, be less 1 dimensional and spread my energy into sports less dependent on fickle weather’n’waves (or move to Hawaii). Today we have […]
Radio Silence
Good morning. Sorry about the radio silence and all that. You’ve been deprived of your Aquabumps daily dosage for a few days now and I’ve been getting some knarky emails wondering what is with my disappearance. I am back and I am in Bali. Haven’t been back here for a little while…16 months to be […]
R i n s e
Howdy. Conditions were o-kaaay this morning. A huge wolf pack feasted on 1-2 footers. It was a little messy and weak – but as Bondi always is….it was surfable. Wave of the day rolled through at 7:34am – it was very impressive. It hit the bank just right, stood up and threw some lip. I […]
Offshore Claws
Rug up cause that wind has a chilly bite to it…enough complaining. There’s a small 2 footer at Bondi, quite infrequent as I think the 30-40 knot offshore is doing its best at pushing it back out to sea. It was even bigger last night – so let’s hope this wind backs off soon and […]
Hope you got up early this morning…as of 8:40am a violet south change hit with a BANG. What this means is: The change brings cooler temperatures for Sydney after a sweltering hot night – did anyone sleep last night? The early 1-1.5 footers of the early have been butchered into 30cm wind chop All this […]