NZ vs AU
When I left Queenstown it was snowing, right down at town level. Amazing. Only happens twice a year. When I arrived in Bondi the colours were going crazy in the morning sunrise. Rare. It’s like they were competing. Two very special places putting on their best. We had a great time in New Zealand last […]

Wanaka (said wanna-car), is a chilled little kiwi town which is dominated by a huge 192 km2 lake. It’s a much more mellower vibe in comparison to it’s bustling neighbor – Queenstown. It’s kinda like the Margaret River (WA) township for snow. Everyone hits the slopes when it’s on – tools down. It’s in their DNA to ski. The snow […]

Kia Ora. I don’t stray from the coast often…but the seductive reputation of New Zealand’s South Island was just too much Cuzi’s. This week I’ll be showing you snow to surf – some of NZ’s (pronounced EN-ZED) best fruit. This morning kicked off with a scenic heli-shoot around the Wanaka area which was pretty much […]