Aloha Storm
Welcome back to Hawaii, the land of Aloha. The best thing about being on an island during a 50-year storm is that you can always escape to another side for protection from the gale force winds and 30-foot surf. Volcanes work well as a shield! At 5 pm today the swell buoys registered 38.4 feet (@17 […]

The Rock
A L O H A. How are you? I haven’t posted in a while and you’ll probably figure out why when you see these photos. I’m in Hawaii. (A.K.A. The Rock) My family and I come here a lot, but we’re normally based on the North Shore and in winter. It’s summer here now and […]

Aloha. Yesterday was a very strange day here on the North Shore of Oahu. It was busy. I’m talking as busy as a Pipeline Masters final. The Kam Highway was broken – 2 hours to Halewia from Pipe (normally 15 minutes). Thousands of people did the 45 minute schlep from Honolulu to see the rumoured […]

Aloha from the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Yes we’re alive! It’s been so nice here on the North shore lately. A gentle Kona wind has been holding back the trades meaning some arvos have been super glassy. Swell is small for here (but waves are still overhead high). A monster swell is brewing though…it will […]

This morning sure ain’t pretty. The waves were onshore, sloppy and 2-3 footish. 1 surfer was sniffing around out the back whilst another dude jogs on the beach – that’s about it. The grey weather has scared off everyone. Had some trouble finding inspiration so I defaulted to my recent Hawaiian gold. Needless to say, […]

Hawaii is the land of the BIG. Everything is just so oversized here. You’re not a man unless you drive a big pickup (ute) with a V8 6.0 ltr donk. You know, the type you need a step ladder to get into. Then there are the meals. Most of the time you could feed a […]

H A W A i i
Aloha, I just arrived in Hawaii…wow. The north shore to be exact. Hawaii has eluded me for years – been meaning to come for a decade…I just kept on getting distracted by all the other options now available to surfers these days (we’re spoilt). It’s great to walk around here, feel like I know the […]