Some dayz

Some days it’s quite hard to come up with 7 entertaining images for this blog. Today is one of THOSE days. There was no sunrise this morning as clouds’n’rain smothered the 1st light. Intermittent rain can also make it tricky to shoot – it pays to have the sanctuary of your car close by. The […]

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Easterly Chunks

Finally the rain has stopped. How about that torrential down pour on dark last night – gave the streets a good hosing down. That new east swell kicked in late as well – with plenty of grunt. I was out there when it hit, and oh boy, some chunky fun ones… Bondi has fun 2-3 […]

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Weird, we had swell yesterday morning…and by the afternoon session it had totally disappeared – flat – just like Snapper at the Quiky pro. Then at sunrise today it beefed up to 3-4 foot. Shame Bondi can’t handle that kind of chunk and you have to drive elsewhere (standard). I did find a couple of […]

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Feels like Singapore around here, 36 degrees, humid and chance of a thunderstorm. Damn nice in the water, how could you not. A small ‘wave’ chugged in on the south bank from time to time. Nice and clean 1-2 foot. Definitely worth doing something in the ocean today. The swell is forecast to pump up […]

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Hi. I like yesterday more. Yesterday was an amazing beach day. Wasn’t meant to be. Forecast was for rain, but it cooked up and the skies stayed clear until the late south change hit whilst we were all sleeping. Today is a grey, rainy junkyard. No one surfing, no one on the beach. A good […]

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Well, it’s no Kirra out the front that’s for sure…. not even Kirra’s inferior brother. I’ve been drooling over all that footage from Queensland’s gem’s on Sunday, then glancing back out the window looking at Bondi’s 2 foot onshore dribbles thinking – where did I go wrong? Surfing shouldn’t be high on your agenda for […]

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Kelly 10

The swell direction has changed overnight so you’ll see no action at Bondi today…need to pop over the hill. There was good little waves yesterday wasn’t there? I found some gold out of town (nope no pics, had to sample a few for myself). The sun is now blaring and finally a decent warm summery […]

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