A quick stop in Perth Western Australia proved quite fruitful. An NE swell is in the Sandgroper City and there is plenty of peaks worthy of a surf. City Beach, of all places, had pretty incredible little hollow rights off the groyne… My fascination for the ocean began around here in Perth. As kids, we […]

I’ve arrived at the pearl farming town of Broome today. Some 2,200 kilometers north of Perth and completely the opposite side of Australia to Sydney. It’s summer here…yep…thawing out in the 32-degree heat whilst checking out the main beach, Cable Beach. Cable Beach was named in honour of the Java-to-Australia undersea telegraph cable, which connects […]

Sometimes writing a short couple of paragraphs about onshore, grey mush can be a little challenging. I don’t think you’d be too keen to head out there for a surf or a swim…the temperatures have dropped and it looks like a wet week ahead. Boo. I am not sure what’s going on over in WA, […]