What a good start to the day…the small waves continue and the sunshine is abundant. This will all change tomorrow when rain arrives and a thumpin’ new south swell. Super windy on Saturday afternoon (and big) but next week should be fun when it all calms down. The unstoppable Slater just won Fiji WCT tour […]

Nice morning. Shame the waves were once again small and weak. Grey dominated the skies and the water surfaces were silky smooth. It doesn’t look like there will be any memorable swells this weekend. Maybe a flap around on the fish or mal. Next week, well, next weeks a different story. Something cooking mid-week. Until […]

Today’s first pic above sums up Hawaii for me. A nice crispy clean wide open barrel, warm water, tropical palm trees, huge mountains in the back ground, beautiful light…ah yes, there is nothing better than Hawaii. The only thing missing is the huge wolf pack at Pipe fighting for a set. This is a freak […]

Aloha. Happy Australia Day for yesterday. Looks a tad wet back home, and next week, wow, even wetter. Something broken with this summer! Back here on ‘The Rock’ we’ve had a bit swell arrive. Not huge, not good enough for them to run the Volcom Pipe Pro – but in my book, pretty darn good…look […]