Bula. No waves here in Fiji today. Pretty much flat and a bit of wind (should be right for the kites later). To keep everyone away from the bar we’ve distracted them with underwater activities and a few photos sessions. Waves will be back tomorrow so it’s a good opportunity to let the sunburn settle […]

Fijian Blues
Aquabumps is going to be broadcast from the little island of Namotu this week (that’s Fiji). It’s heaven over here. The colours of this place are insane. Clearest blue water in the world I’d say. Sometimes I’d be shooting something (like the boat shot) and even I can’t believe the fluoro hues that are flash […]

Not a great deal going on today apart from this glorious weather. (max 19) Waves at Bondi were half a foot to a foot. There should be a slight swell increase as the day progresses, but nothing too substantial. Friday is the big day this week. Today’s Aquabumps is still coming from a little town […]

Slippery when wet
Surfing shouldn’t be high on your ‘list to do’ today. It’s probably tucked in there under ‘wash the car’ or ‘alphabetically sort your cd collection’. Pouring rain at daybreak, howling winds and 3 foot mush-slush. Not pretty. Usually storms at this time of year come from the south, but this one is from the NE […]

The rain is bucketing down this morning and the beach is deserted. Scrappy 2 foot mush on offer down at Bondi – not really worth a surf. Raining tomorrow as well. Didn’t get any decent shots this morning so I dug through the archives from recent trip to Fiji – where the skies are blue, […]

mentawai bliss ::
Apa Kabar from the beautiful Mentawai Islands of Indonesia. The smoking waves continue…we haven’t had an off day yet…arms & back so sore we’re having trouble paddling. So, this morning when we found a perfect empty right hander at a casual 3 foot – we were relieved. This little right is so perfect, it’s like […]