Tubes in the harbour
If I told you that you could get barrelled whilst surfing Sydney Harbour I’m pretty sure you’d think I’m a can short of a six pack. Well, you can. The right conditions 1) a raging, excessively large SE swell, 2) howling south wind and 3) 1 x Otis Carey = you’ll get tubed amongst the […]

Wow – what a morning. It all began with a vivid sunrise at Bondi as bright hues smeared across the skies. Loads of people up early exercising after being locked indoors for the past 3 weeks. The swell is still here, Bondi had 4-5 footers but mostly closing out. The Bra has a vicious rip […]

slabby ledge wedges
WOW. Sorry about the late update – I have a good excuse this time… A dead south ground swell has come up strong overnight, and is in full swing. Between 10am and 1pm it was pounding our coast hard. Bondi is completely useless with this size, as was most of the surrounding beaches…so a little […]

After last night’s strong winds the ocean is all angry and agitated. The swell direction has switched from the east to the south-east making it bigger at Bondi. At daybreak is seemed onshore, but by the time I left the beach (7:45am) it was SW offshore-cross. North Bondi, which rarely breaks has a little peak […]

drive thru east
We’re fully stocked with south swell, but there isn’t many surfing options in the Eastern Suburbs. Bondi was 4-5 foot, actually rideable (as it wasn’t over the weekend), but you’d be up for fair bit of paddling dodging close out sets. Little drive around the corner and found a mystery reef, slabbin’ – but that’s […]

Take II
Damn ugly down the beach this morning. Howling southerlies, bucketing rain and not a sole on the beach. Very limited options for surfing today – I’d suggest a little sojourn to protected Manly – but a hot mug of frothy cofffee sounds much more inviting at this point. Its a chilly top of 14 degrees […]

I’m currently in Perth. Now the Perth metro area isn’t famous for good waves. Not like Margaret River or up North. So when my old mate, Young Bull, called up to say its cranking in Perth, I gave him the ‘ok buddy – sure thing – whatever’ and headed down the beach thinking a nice […]

mentawai bliss ::
Apa Kabar from the beautiful Mentawai Islands of Indonesia. The smoking waves continue…we haven’t had an off day yet…arms & back so sore we’re having trouble paddling. So, this morning when we found a perfect empty right hander at a casual 3 foot – we were relieved. This little right is so perfect, it’s like […]