Funnel, Bondi


The recent pounding swell has moved sand into some interesting formations. There’s a super shallow bank at the South Bondi that’s been spitting out tubes this morning. It’s not for the faint-hearted, it eats boards as water slabs onto a shallow shelf. It was a pleasure to shoot – I really missed shooting in the […]

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A good old tubey in front of the pavilion. Bondi 7-sumpin'


Ah Autumn mornings, they’re the best! I reckon it’s the water temperature that gets everyone down the beach. It’s just so inviting… A few little waves with a huge (hungry) morning crowd. Be careful out there. It’s kinda like driving down the road, but everyone is running the red lights. Nice looking weekend ahead. Small NE […]

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Watch our latest short film all shot on my phone


Firstly, it’s Friday, so yes, I have a little film from Avalon for you all shot on my Google Pixel 2 phone. Watch Secondly, Bondi has waves. Yes, surfable conditions are upon us! (1 to 2 foot) A vast, frothing, wave deprived crowd are all over it as well. Even with those super cold devil […]

Da Cube, Maroubra


Felt very cold this morning. Much colder than other June mornings. My phone was calling it 7 degrees, but sitting on a wet rock, shooting, before sunrise it felt much colder. Fingers went numb. It was good to see the swell is hanging around. I saw 3-4 footers this morning, clean too! Gotta love this […]

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I see the light, Bondi


On paper today had all the makings of a great surf day for Bondi. At first dawn inspection, it looked great. But the reality was something else. I blame the high tide of 5:33 am which put heaps of backwash and wonk into it. Most waves shut down, but there are still plenty of overhead […]

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Rip Currents

The rip at 1st ramp in Bondi is a freak. So much water running out to sea it was unswimable. I tried for 1 hour but kept of sliding out the back into no-mans-land. Great day for a swim nonetheless, maybe up the north end where it’s all calm. Bondi has waves in the head […]

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This morning I swam with my camera for about 3 hours with 3 very talented surfers in some decent waves. Julian Wilson, Sam Mac and Blake Thornton charged a rare wedgey peak from sunrise…oh boy…what a day, unshackle from the desk for an hour or so and enjoy. I will let the images do all […]

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Twin Pipes

Was kinda a text book Aquabumps Bondi morning. Kicked off with a subtle sunrise, few clouds lighting up. Then the left bank put on some small 2 foot sets – they looked enticing in the morning light. It was nice and glassy, the air was warm and plenty of people up early doing their ‘before […]

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Last weekend was a great one for surfers. Solid swell on both days – if only it could be that good all the time. As predicted the swell has backed off this morning, but there are still super fun 3 footers. I don’t think it will hang around for long…dwindling fast. Tomorrow will be small […]

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