Leopard Seal
It’s a frigid morning down there, so cold we’re attracting animal life from Antarctica! Yes, at 1:30 pm yesterday a Leopard Seal rolled up onto the beach at North Bondi for a look around, checking up on the councils’ progress of the North Bondi renovations and posed for a few cameras. Mr Seal has some mighty […]

Straighty 180
There’s plenty of south swell around but absolutely NO banks for them to break on. Oh my, it’s straight az. I’m talking the world’s greatest closeouts – you’d barely get a chance to get to your feet before it shuts down on you. Shame, as it was offshore and head high on sets – good […]

The mornings are getting warmer and the crowds growing as we slide in summer. Bondi is nuts in summer. Just watch the TV show! To my surprise, we have half decent waves in Bondi this morning. Its a junkie confused ocean, a lil’ onshore, with swell coming in from all directions, but there’s a head high […]

Colour Run
A little bump in swell provided some rideable surf this morning. It’s no Nias 20 foot right-hander with boats going over the falls, but it’s contestable. Calling it waist to shoulder high at Bondi. The main attraction of the morning was the sunrise – wow – what colours! After weeks of clear mornings, we finally […]

Another cloudy warm morning down the beach. It’s still surfable, as Bondi always really is, but only knee to waist high. Really fun on the long board or just a splash on the shorey. Light winds all day, tending to NE later. It’s gonna get warm, like 28 warm. That’s decent. Break out the rig […]

Scroll down… As you can see plenty of surfing action this morning. It was only 2-3 foot and a bit weird, but definitely fun. I wasn’t anticipating much swell this morning, I knew it was coming though. Tonight it will pulse and tomorrow should be decent. The winds are howling WSW offshore around 25 knots. […]

It’s rare, but it does happen….Bondi has tiny tubes today. OK, they’re more like the occasion open close out, but it looked fun this morning. The grooming offshores were making it a little more organised than yesterday. It is still very cold. Smaller tomorrow but surfable for the next 7 days around here. :: uge