A L L – S T A R
It was an all-star cast down at Bondi Beach this morning. Pamatatua Davies, Sam Mac, Brett Anderson, Ian Wallace, The Gonz, Brucey Stafford, Sam Jackson… hell even Tom Bird paddled out for the early. There’s waves around head high. The banks aren’t that great but there is a rip bowl in the middle of the […]

I am not going to complain about the winter-like weather conditions we have in Sydney at the moment. Beltin’ summer is just around the corner, I just know it, so this is a good time to get some work done… We have some waves worth talking about this morning. It’s 3 foot – nice and […]

Well it’s been quite a different trip to the Mentawais this year. There has been plenty of smoking waves to be had…I should mention…in amongst the rain and howling southerly gusts. In 1 day the weather has been changing so much – you just don’t know what to expect. Some breaks have been on just […]

Friday Arvo Dabble
Hi y’all. We’re back in Bondi now and a few shades darker. After a brief visit to the beach with the camera I’ve defaulted to the safe haven of our recent Mentawai’s imagery. Why? Well…15 knot, sloppy, onshore, 1 footers weren’t my cup of tea. Oh it’s pouring with rain too! Boo! The good news […]

Hi there. We’re still in the islands. Get a lot of questions on email so I’d thought I’d do a Q+A special: How long are we in Mentawais? Back in 1 week, half way thru a 12 day charter around the islands. I like it here. Big swell hittin’ here soon. Why? Good waves – […]

Jungle Feeva
Uge has taken the bold move of inviting me to write today’s update. I’m standing in the wheel house of the Tengirri after just surfing perfect 3 foot rights at “burger world” on day 4 of our boat charter. Here’s how you really know you’re on a boat trip… You’re taking more naps during the […]

Black Magic
Another day of magic in the islands, similar to yesterday. At sunrise the right was 4 – 6 foot, ultra clean and tubing… (and dangerous). Our young gun Caleb Reid punted for the heavens wave after wave. Like a child in a candy store. One of the boys on the boat got tangled in the […]

If you rolled down the hill at the wrong time today you’d swear it’s 1 foot or near flat. If you sat out there long enough a set will roll through every 15-20 minutes worth riding. Yep, that south swell is still hanging in there by a thread – but you’d have to be very […]