All you need to know about today is that the winds are offshore and there are waves around 4-6 foot. How good is that? Bondi can’t handle anything over head high so get in the car and bake it out of town. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of this week are all good surf days. Does anyone […]

Ah yes, I am back in Bondi. Good to be home. Was getting sick of 10 footers (jokes). Bondi looked real spesh all lit up at sunrise. Nice hues streaming in through Benny Buckler. Waves weren’t too flash, a dribbly knee high wave. Fortunately there is a little spike in swell tomorrow and Friday. Hopefully […]

Rippy Banks
Hiya. Got kinda big yesterday and has now calmed down. I like what I saw down there this morning. Smooth conditions, head high waves on rippy banks. Oh, it’s Monday crowds too – nice and lite. The best! This week the swell will retreat leaving waist high waves on Tuesday and Wednesday. Friday it will […]

These are the days that best favour Bondi. The swell is tiny and not many places would have anything breaking at all. Bondi, a swell magnet in south swell, this morning had fun waist to (a lil’ guys) chest high waves. Not many out and plenty of sunshine after 7am. 5 things you should know […]

Wave stalker
It’s been a great week for everyone. Today is bigger but not better. Bit washy at Bondi breaking randomly with the larger swell (4-5 foot). I went for a swim out there with my camera but spent most of my time fighting currents than shooting good pics. The high tide was 6:40am which if why […]

After spending a month in Hawaii it was nice to come back and see summer in full swing down at Bondi. What’s all the complaining about? Weather looks fine to me. Na, just kiddin’. I know I know, it’s been raining plenty and this is the only rare moment of sunshine in weeks. Got it. […]

Shoreline meanderings
Hurro. What a nice day (again). Yesterday’s healthy 3 foot increase in swell is still here and there’s some really fun waves in town. Bondi was 2-3 foot at sunrise, closing out a little, but multiple peaks doing their thing (it’s nice to have more options along the beach instead of the 1 peak we’ve […]

It’s not looking very inviting out there. Rain, onshores and dribble – chilly too. Today is all about transition from the sunny northerlies to the south storm (which is drawing in a big swell for the weekend). Heads down, work hard and free up some time for tomorrow arvo and weekend when the surf picks […]

We all know the swell has jacked up this morning – unfortunately so has the wind. Choppy Bondi has 3-4 foot waves this morning. Need that wind to kick around to the north to take the junk out of it. (which should happen tomorrow). High tide is 11:15am, low tide is 5:30pm. Only a wintery […]

Morning Antics
Well hasn’t Huey switched on this morning. Much better than forecasted. We’ve got clean 3-4 walls rolling through Bondi, little wind and blaring sunshine (thought it was meant to rain – eh?). Gotta love Mondays when everyone is busy at work…Swell is dead south (that’ll be 180 degrees) and winds are westerlies. It’s going to […]

The Junkyard
Good morning kids. In the shadows of recent morning gold, today is rating relatively low. The surf has gone all junkie and bumpy (smaller too!2/3). There were a few fun lefts, odd right but definitely not cranking. The banks are still there and it looks like more swell arrives tomorrow – hopefully it will switch […]

Twin Pipes
Was kinda a text book Aquabumps Bondi morning. Kicked off with a subtle sunrise, few clouds lighting up. Then the left bank put on some small 2 foot sets – they looked enticing in the morning light. It was nice and glassy, the air was warm and plenty of people up early doing their ‘before […]

This morning I wasn’t expecting much. The swell websites all talked 1’s and 2’s…period was down and last night’s check showed little promise. Well, something arrived, mostly closing out but definitely 3 foot sets. The odd left opened up to the beach in the southern corner of Bondi. The odd right in the middle – […]