I’m late today, mainly because I didn’t take photos this morning. It was drizzling slightly around 7 a.m., so I took that as a sign to put the cameras down and sip another coffee whilst the skies remained dark. It was onshore from the get-go; Bondi is a mush pile, so this was also another […]

Around here…
Whilst the ENE swell has enlarged overnight, it isn’t better. There is a howling 20-knot NE wind in town, knocking things around. This morning I visited local beaches and places I rarely frequent, hunting new angles or shots for your viewing pleasure. I can’t say I saw anyone scoring good waves on my morning wanderings. […]

If you own a surfboard, there’s a fair chance you were out there this morning. Am I right? Typically, I arrive at the beach, and it is quiet, as you all sleep and slowly flow into the bay – but today – wow, it was a mass of humans as the sun rose around 6 […]

Pastel Tide
It was nice to wake to a sky filled with colour as the sun rose. So many people were down at Bondi early, phones out, capturing the gold. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a good one; today was great! But it didn’t last long. We’re in the middle of a small wave spell. […]

Vitamin D
After a lot of grey and patchy weather, it was so nice to score an A-Grade, top-notch, exquisite Sunday beach day. The winds remained gentle all day, keeping it neat, and the high tides provided dreamy blue hues at most of Sydney’s bays. I visited most of the beaches of the East on Sunday, and […]

It was a very quiet Monday down the beach. The 5am rain dampened everyone’s motivation to slip down the beach before work. It was dark, still and Bondi was one foot due to the swell direction neglecting our bay. Eastern-facing beaches had more action, but it’s on the decline. We have an overcast week full […]

It’s that time of year again when we get all arty along 2 km of our coast; the Sculpture by the Sea has landed, typically kicking off the warmer beach season. Loads of people were up early, enjoying the forecasted good weather and walking among the artworks. As the swell subsides, there are also a […]

After a colourful sunrise at Tamarama, I took a short drive south to The Bra and found some clean little waves (2-3ft). The higher tide made it a little fat, but surfable. Lots of cutbacks. The sun was out, and it’s been a dry day. The groms were dominating, whilst the beach was pretty empty […]

Dolphin Show
The talk of the morning around Bronte and Tamarama was a very large pod of Dolphins frolicking in the morning light. They were having a great time pleasing the morning walkers. Waves are bigger, messy and not ideal. Bondi looked junkie, and with cross-onshore forecast, I’d pass. Bronte has some lefts back into the corner, […]

Recent Work
I’ve been waiting for a lame, grey, onshore day to show you a few pics from my recent adventures. In contrast to today’s bland flavour, recently, we’ve been blessed with epic ocean colours and endless beach weather. I didn’t shoot anything today, which is rare for me. It’s a great day to be inside and […]

Autumn Light
Autumn light is a photographer’s delight! There’s something special about this time of year when the sun tucks around the back of Ben Buckler, the morning humid haze has gone, leaving crispy, clean, warm sun rays to illuminate my favourite subject—Bondi! There are waves, head high on sets, gentle NW winds and a clear sky […]

It was a dreamy morning with solid wave options. A mixture of swells provided clean waves at most Sydney beaches – some sets in the 4-5ft range! It’s about to flip as the encroaching southerly makes its way up the coast to us…my prediction is that between 3-4 pm today, it will be all over […]

Giant Folds
Big swells are wasted around here. We don’t have the proper infrastructure to make it break in a rideable fashion when it gets over head-high. Such a shame, ’cause there’s virtually NO wind and conditions are optimal. Somewhere with a reef would be cooking right now. It’s a dead south swell at 180 degrees, so […]