My photographic inspiration was very low this morning as grey skies drizzled rain on half footers. It’s a dreary Bondi day out there, barely anyone in the water and on the beach. It was too small for my 20-kilo groms – that’s saying something. I shot 4 or 5 pics and then returned to the […]

d a n k adjective,dank·er,dank·est.unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly:a dank cellar. Well, Sydney is having one helluva wet freedom week. It’s been raining for days. Probably best stay indoors for a while longer, nah, not in the concrete bunkers again. Wait for the storm to pass. The wind has kicked around from the dead […]

Random Images
Happy Friday! Downtime is a great opportunity to work on some images that have been hiding in the terabyte stack at HQ. Here’s a little picture show to distract you in your day, stuff I’ve been working on, some really random stuff…in a typical non-lockdown day I’d shoot around 200-500 images in a morning sess. […]

The Arakwal called this meeting place ‘Cavvanbah‘, which was the name of the settlement until 1894 when it became Byron Bay. Captain Cook originally named Cape Byron after Admiral Byron, not after his nephew the poet Lord Byron. Byron Bay enjoys a subtropical climate with hot, wet summers and mild, dry winters. It’s mild, temperate climate makes it a perfect joint to hang out for most of the year. […]

Byron Charms
Just mention the word ‘Byron’ and you’ll get a reaction from people. Words like ‘busy’, ‘lost it’ ‘exquisite’ and ‘paradise’ come up a lot. Some people adore the place, some people loathe it for its hustle. I’m here in peak season, yeah there are people around (lots from Bondi), it’s got young energy, but the […]

A Day in the Bay
Cheer up. Slow down. Chill out. Yes, I’m in the herbal regions of Byron Bay today. The most ironic thing about Byron is that it’s manic – it’s busier than Bondi! The most easterly point of Australia juts out into the Pacific – with an enormous bay on one side (Byron Bay). This unique setup […]

North Coast
Byron Bay is the most easterly point of Australia. It juts right out. Good for surfing as it catches most swells and has protected corners on all conditions. About 9,000 people live in Byron, plenty doing the sea or tree change from Bondi. This little town attracts 1.5 million visitors a year – yes – […]

Byron Bay
Last week when I mentioned to people I was going up to Byron Bay their first reaction was a puzzled look…then the standard response “Hope you’re not going in the water…it’s too sharky” Yes, they’ve had a bad run up here with big fish coming in close. There are so many theories why. Everyone has […]