Before the Southerly
Earlier today, it was super clean, warm and inviting. A refreshing swim was ideal. If you had a surf craft of hefty volume, you’d have fun surfing among the waist to belly-high waves. The morning high tide was really porking up most rideable waves. The southerly has arrived now (12:01pm) – it won’t be as […]

There are many benefits to waking early; research from the University of Toronto found that people who wake up earlier are generally happier and have a better outlook on life. Mix that wake-up with a morning swim, surf, or run on a warm summer’s morning – and you’re set for the day! Today we have […]

After a week of school holidays (where I rarely picked up a camera) I’m baaack! The daily fix should flow from here… A nice morning to kick off this working week (well, there are still plenty of school holidays). A sprinkle of colour at sunrise, light winds and a consistently breaking 3-foot ESE swell. All […]

Winter solstice
Today is the winter solstice, also called the hibernal solstice, which occurs when either of Earth’s poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun. This happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere. So what? Basically, today is the shortest day of the year (9hrs 53min) and from here on the days get longer as […]

This morning took a bit to get going… The waves were less than spectacular, limping and junkie – sometimes head high, not many out (which says it all). The sunrise had all the makings of a grand colour splash, but it didn’t happen in the end. It was warm, not like the previous chilly mornings, which […]

The sunrise colours stole the show this morning. Wow, so intense, so bright. It started pink then shifted to deep golds—quite the spectacle. The waves were less impressive, knee caps to waists, peeling rights lacking grunt. Longboarding, beginners, kids – its your day. RAIN is coming and staying for most of this week. Tomorrow will […]

It’s a cracker of a day in Sydney. Go outside—glorious spring sunny skies with gentle breezes. The leftover SE swell is limping into Bondi, occasionally breaking around the shoulders, more often around your waistline. It’s very infrequent and best suited to the groms. No shortage of frothing groms around Bondi these days! Just like the skatepark. […]

I’m back in Bondi and into my morning routine – surf check at dawn, shoot a sunrise, capture some surfing and then shoot something weird going on in Bondi! Done, tick! Where has all the swell gone? I’ve been watching from Queensland, and you have had one helluva run down here (Goldie was on the […]

The Gilded Coast
In Autumn, the light is cleaner, a purer form of golden goodness. There’s no morning humid haze, and the beach scenes appear crisper. Typically we get a lot of offshore westerly breeze at this time of year – they help, a lot, blowing any gunky air out to sea. When the light is velvety, rich, […]

I hope you got a surf in this morning, before the onshore. It was on the cook! My shots may not reflect what I saw, as I spent a lot of the morning dodging rainstorms (or waiting for light), but there are some good times out there. Unfortunately, around 10:30 am, the southerly has come […]

I’m a beach guy, so what am I doing in the big smoke? Lost? Haha. Yep, today is all in reverse as I woke in the city, watching the pinks blaze over the Sydney Opera House. What a cracker morning to be in Sydney – warm, windless, rainless and very good looking. Sydney’s an awesome […]

There’s fruit on the trees, and finally, the onshores have subsided. The sunshine has come back, and it’s one helluva day outside. Let’s party. It’s easily 4 foot, and from the South, so Bondi is milky every bit of energy from the ocean. It’s too big for beginners and other flotsam jetsam. For the frothers, […]

Vi-sis-i-tood = regular change. Very unpredictable weather as we continue on our La Nina journey. It was gloriously sunny for one moment, raining on me the next. It’s had to plan ahead at the moment…washing in, out? 16 knots of smotherly is wreaking havoc on our beaches. Bondi has shoulder high mush rolling in. There’s […]