As we head into the final straight for Christmas, the beach starts to get quiet. This morning, the waves were tiny as a new southerly breeze was ruffling the surface. There were pockets of light as the high cloud was forever transforming. Today’s post is a collection of images taken between now and last Friday […]

Hope you saw the sunrise this morning. It was quite something. Late too – 7am. So you don’t have to be a insomniac to see it. From the car park it looked like a little bank at South Bondi had something to surf. I swam out there with my camera to give it a close […]

We know you’ve all been missing Uge’s regular emails, so we thought we’d select a few of our favourites from the gallery to give you a well deserved 2 minute holiday. Here are some of my favourites. People often ask what it’s like working at Aquabumps – well, I am surrounded by beautiful images, I […]