Happy Mondays
Mondays are the best. They’re even better when it’s 30 degrees on land, 24 in the water with a generous East swell pumping into all nooks and crannies of Sydney. Today you’ll find a wave, not big, but fun. Maybe chest high ones with a lower crowd factor. In fact, most of this week should have […]

Moody kinda morning down there today. Dark, then spurts of bright light. Made for some different kind of morning shots. Wind is light onshore. Swell from the East. Junkie and uninviting (yet still surfable) conditions. Contestable conditions? …not really. Swell is coming up this afternoon but the winds are no good (onshore). Good to practice […]

After a steamy night, we have refreshing southerlies to cool us down. Sticky night, wasn’t it? The southerlies have roughed up the ocean, and those 3-4 foot treats from yesterday have now gone below par. In fact, the rest of the week looks very small and not good at all. Party’s over people! We had […]

C l o n e
The days all seem to be the same this week. It all starts off with early morning cloud that usually burns off by 8am. The winds are offshore NW and the water temperature remains a comfortable 22 degrees (boardies). The mercury will hit 25 on land and it’s perfect beach weather (yep). You’d be surprised […]

This whole week we have a ENE swell. ENE swell direction doesn’t favour Bondi, so you will have to drive to other beaches like Maroubra, Manly, Wedge, Narra etc. Even though waves are 3-4 foot today, I saw nothing really worthy of surfing this morning (drove from Bondi to Maroubra). The Bra was pretty much […]