Mmm feels like summer doesn’t it? (27) The waves are flat and the water is warm. You must go for a dip. I owe you an apology. Yesterday we promoted a Herringbone board giveaway which had expired, goneski…done. Yep, after we contacted our buddies at Herringbone before going live and got the green light, they […]

These very good looking mornings are becoming the standard, the expected. Day after day I roll down the beach and it’s really quite something special. We are being spoilt. No wind, amazing sunrises and clear skies. It’s going to hit a whopping 24 degrees today. That’s pretty crazy for this time of year. The swell […]

Sleep in…
Feels like we’ve been transported back to the wintery blues after a few steamy summery days. That south change hit yesterday around 10am and has hung around. So windy. Forget surfing. Its dire down there with that wicked combo of onshore and small conditions. Wait until the blow subsides. Whilst you’re bunkering down indoors…the PIPELINE […]

After watching Red Bull’s new surfing movie last night starring Jordy Smith (Bending Colours), I was all pumped up to shoot some high performance surfing today. The conditions were lacking at Bondi, weak and waist to shoulder high – not ideal. The skies are filled with threatening rain clouds – making it dark and needing […]

Obviously I’m a better photographer than horse punter. Sorry about yesterday’s bad tip. Thanks for all the abusive sms’s. Hope ya didn’t lose the house on that one. A guy won a million dollars at the TAB next door to us in Bondi though…scoring the trifecta. I reckon it’s my neighbour as at 5:30am when […]

Salty Observations
Today has it all. This is what I saw… I went down the beach early…5:20am…couldn’t sleep in with all this warm weather. I suffer from FOMO (Fear of missing out). The first thing to catch my eye was the rubbish. Tonnes of the stuff left on the beach yesterday. Disgust. I then strolled down to […]

Interesting day today. We’ve got a forecasted maximum of 27 degrees. How good. Don’t let that fool you though, the water is super chilly so you’re still need rubber. The wind will blow a gale later, 30 knots. That’s sulo bin chasing strength. Bring the washing in. The swell has evaporated and only suitable for […]

Didn’t you get the memo? Today’s a beach day…100%. As I write this I see it has hit 28 degrees. Ok, there is a possibility of a thunderstorm later, but right now, oh boy, it’s a perfect day to get your towel out and go for an invigorating swim. The water is still cold. Surf […]

One of my most loyal readers, my mother, has been getting up me about bad grammar and spelling in my daily updates. She’s disgusted at the sight of a t!ypo@1 and wonders why she spent all that money educating me. Obviously I was heavily distracted at school. I spent most of the time hiding in […]

Now and Then
Take a look at the beach now, as the next 24 hours it is going to erupt. Today’s timid west winds will swing south overnight and blow, hard. Those flimsy knee to chest high sets of today will transform into triple head high tomorrow…yes…triple. Saturday will host the biggest waves of this storm swell. Some […]

We’ve got a fresh new supply of South swell in town. Waves are currently breaking above your heads, which is nice. Shame about the wonk…this new swell is wobbly as, needing time to sort itself out. Tomorrow will get even bigger…the biggest day in 2 weeks. I’d expect to see double head high waves tomorrow. […]

Very dark morning out there. Couldn’t really shoot any images until at least 7am, which is very late for me. The good news is that under all this grey there are waves in Sydney, 3 footers. Bronte looked cleaner and lining up quite nicely this morning around 7:30am. Barely anyone around. Nice protection from the […]

I am not going to complain about the winter-like weather conditions we have in Sydney at the moment. Beltin’ summer is just around the corner, I just know it, so this is a good time to get some work done… We have some waves worth talking about this morning. It’s 3 foot – nice and […]