Winter solstice
Today is the winter solstice, also called the hibernal solstice, which occurs when either of Earth’s poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun. This happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere. So what? Basically, today is the shortest day of the year (9hrs 53min) and from here on the days get longer as […]

Now we’re talking – finally, those glamour autumn days where everything is just right. The water is a comfortable 23, winds zero, sunshine is a 12 outa 10 and the waves were shoulder to head high on sets! Bingo! A huge crowd frothing over the early autumn delights – a bit too busy for my […]

Dolphin Mania
These photos from sunrise could break the internetā¦what a special kinda morning as the Annual Dolphin Convention gathers at South Bondi. Every direction I looked, I could see dolphins frolicking amongst the surfers. Rarely do you see so many for so long! Remember these shots from Tamarama last year, as we were locking down for […]

A gloriously sunny morning to kick off a warm day. That 6:36am high tide flooded the tiny SE swell, making it hard to find surfable waves. Maybe better on lower tides during the day. 27 degrees forecast, only 5 days until it’s officially summer! Small surf conditions for days and days now. Good time to […]

True North
There are waves around head high, from the North – which is pretty much useless to us around here as we have no sand at beaches facing that way, and the high tide (7 am) was porking up anything worth slaying. South facing Bondi was tiny, muggy but good for a morning Friday swim. Forecast […]

Strewth! Good looking morning down there today. Subtle tints of pinks before the cooking sun rose. Going to be a very warm day (30) with very warm water. I reckon it’s 23 degrees in the brine (Sydney max’s out at 24-degree water). It’s like a bath! We had 2-3 ft waves, but the banks were […]

Dutch Oven
It is the second day of summer and one of the coolest days in a while! Crazy. The smoke is back. You would’ve smelt it in the middle of the night and probably closed the windows. Really weird light and colours this morning as the atmosphere was filled with smoke. I didn’t quite know what […]

Rogue Chunks
Gee this swell really kicked in yesterday. Some wild chunks of water smashing into Bondi this morning. The Icebergs was smothered and swimmers were thrown into different lanes. South Bondi had a few, but they were quite rare and fickle. When they broke they’re in the 4-6 foot mark. Lots of water moving around making […]

You Bewdy
If I could bottle up a day like today and put it on the shelf, I’d label it “You bewdy” ’cause it’s a cracker of a day outside. I’m talking blaring sunshine, NO wind and 2-foot dribblers suitable for high volume wave riding vehicles. Ah yes, these are the days. The days to be outside […]

Prodigal Son
I’m back. I’ve travelled far and wide this winter and had (and shot) so many incredible experiences. I always say this; it’s good to be home – Sydney is a fantastic place to live (especially when Spring is only 11 days away!). I’m staying put in Bondi now…until next winter. The sun is rising a […]

It is much smaller today but much prettier. The sun was out, thankfully, as it’s a bit frosty sitting on the beach without solar power. I saw some fun Bondi runners at 1-2 foot range. The banks are sweet so you can flick out the odd turn. It’s far from pumping but definitely surfable. The […]

Bronte Reef (AKA Bunnies) had a few sloppy head high waves this morning. A couple of adventurous souls out in the darkness, hunting, waiting optimistically. Winds are ESE 11 knotsĀ (onshore basically everywhere)…it’s not really a beach day! Sit back, relax, grab a cuppa, maybe watch a few of my mini films from better times. Check […]

Dark morning with heaps of low cloud. The surf looked a lot cleaner today but I didn’t see many good surfable waves – I reckon the 8:26 am high tide was killing it. Lower tides should be more fruitful. Like now (11:37 am as I tap out these fine words). Cooking ain’t really my thing […]