The swell is up, the wind is howling onshore, and it’s raining again. Not the most photogenic of days – chilly too – ain’t it? On the weekend, we strayed from the coast and ventured into the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales. The frothing little monsters loved it! It’s been years since I’ve been […]

Brumby Land
What fantastic Sydney (wet) weather to do another trawl through the photo archives and show off our beautiful diverse state! When you think of the Snowy Mountains you naturally think of heading there in the depths of winter in hope of white powdery blue bird days and mulled wine. We decided to see what all […]

Nero Friday
We’ve got relentless rain for most of the Eastern seaboard of Australia. You couldn’t ask for a better day to host a BLACK FRIDAY onshore shopping bonanza. Everybody is busy emptying their carts, chasing the discounts as we all hide indoors. As I write, 25 knots of southerly is ripping Bondi waves apart. It’s chest […]