10 minutes
This morning I went swimming with my camera but had a little short circuit in my housing…so for 10 minutes it continuously shot frames @ 10 frames per second. That’s a lot of throw aways. These 9 images where the keepers from 6,000 images shot in that short space of time. Not much to surf […]

the nifty 50
Today’s images are all shot with 1 lens, my 50mm. I love the 50. If my house was burning down I’d probably grab the 50. It was my 1st (and only) lens when I was a teenager. It’s the lens that I have with me all the time. A 50mm has a similar focal length […]

Hi. Not much happening down the beach (again). Bondi was a weak, flappy 1 foot with 3 guys out. The storm clouds are circling and puttin’ on sum precipitation. It took me 20 minutes to write that opening line…so I might quit whilst I am ahead. Not much to talk about really. The forecast looks […]

After yesterday’s leap in swell size from 1 foot to 3 foot I’d thought there would be some decent waves this morning. Unfortunately its disappeared as fast as it appeared. The swell origin is dead south, so Bronte, The Bra etc would be watching it march on by to south facing beaches. Bondi was 2 […]