Good morning! Wasn’t it a humid one? It’s typical of this time of year, warm starts with cloudy skies. Makes for a good morning swim. Waves – yeah, there were a few. It is still on the small side, 1 to 2 foot. I have good news, though, I reckon we will get a small […]

In between rain squalls – I snuck out to shoot some surfing. It’s wobbly and 3 foot from a South swell. Looks OK fun. How about that rain last night huh? 92mm of precipitation overnight, mostly in a 2 hour window. Bucketing. Quite a rainy / stormy week ahead – all but Wednesday which looks […]

It kinda feels like Bondi is about to explode! It’s a hive of activity this morning. Workers are setting up for the huge Beach Boys gig on the sand tomorrow, surfers were – here – there- everywhere. People were doing yoga, being fluoro, walking, swimming, talking. Wow. And that was all before 7am. Tomorrow the […]

Hot Doggin’
The sun is back and the surf is dribbling. What a nice morning. Looks all calm and orderly right now doesn’t it…well, in 28 hours the ocean is going to roar and spit out 8-10 footers. Yes hellmen, huge swell kicking really hard tomorrow afternoon. Where you going to be? It’s ski season and some […]

Greetings. Welcome to summer and a brand new week. For the next 3 days we will experience salubrious beach weather. I strongly suggest slipping out for some beach time. The waves will be small so either surf a mal or just swim. Our Aquabumps Gallery Christmas Order deadlines are creeping up real fast. If you […]

Hola! The waves looked a little confused this morning. Perhaps it was a mixture of NE and south swells and a low tide. I didn’t really see anything worth riding, but try again on the 11:40am high tide (soon!). Bondi is full of rips at the moment. They’re on turbo and it’s quite dangerous for […]

One of my most loyal readers, my mother, has been getting up me about bad grammar and spelling in my daily updates. She’s disgusted at the sight of a t!ypo@1 and wonders why she spent all that money educating me. Obviously I was heavily distracted at school. I spent most of the time hiding in […]

Ahoy there. So…this plague of small swell remains and the boys in the car park are getting’ restless. Bondi had this cute little rip-bowl-1-foot wonder, suitable for a plank around 10 feet long. Or if you’re new to the sport – today’s cranking. I can’t see any improvement for some time. You really need to […]

Good morning. Nice morning wasn’t it? A few (small) waves around early on a left rip bowl at Bondi. Quite hard to surf (and shoot from the water) as a deep hole between two banks provided an outlet for all the water in the bay. Damn need an anchor out there. Water is RIDICULOUSLY warm […]

Ze dribble…
Went down from my lil’ dawdle and was surprised to find rideable 2 footers…ok, maybe 1 or 2 were a tad bigger. It’s lacking omfff but the sunshine was out early making for inviting conditions. To go or to not go? Go! (but maybe take a large wave riding craft) The ’morrow will be bigger […]