What a day aye? Sunny and 25. Just perfect. Little left chuggin’ into Bondi. Good for the big mals. Waist to sometimes shoulder high. Friday should have a little wave. Other than that – it’s going to be small for some time now…which normally comes hand in hand with good weather as a high pressure […]

Friday Fix
Two weeks ago we did a road trip through some of New Zealand’s spectacular beaches with our guide, Kiwi surf legend, Maz Quinn. N-Zed is such a under-rated surf destination with so many good setups, I’ll be back for sure. The photos I took on the roadie were very popular with you all, so I […]

Hiya. Looks like you’ve got a hot week back home in Bondi. Nothing much under the thirties. Hit the beach and cool off for sure. Over here in Hawaii the swells keep coming. See it’s winter in the northern hemisphere and raging storms in between Alaska and Russia push down a whole pile of solid […]

As winter dominates today we have soggy 2-3 footers at Bondi. The SE winds are making a mess of it so you’ll have to surf somewhere with better protection. I sat in the car park for 30 minutes as it poured (and still is pouring), shooting some of the worst images I’ve taken in a […]