Low Tide Weed
Bondi’s got plenty of weed at the moment. Yup, fresh batch. Nah, not talking about those dutch-ovens bellowing out of camper-vans in the parking lot, the stuff that comes from the ocean. Great big piles of it, mixed in with plenty of rubbish (Council ain’t doing their regular clean-ups it seems). Not a pretty sight. […]

Conditions are looking so much better than yesterday. There is still plenty of swell, I am talking 3-4 with the odd bigger set. The sun is out and it’s shaping up to be a cracker. Swell is from the South and the wind has gone Nor-East (grooming). Nor-easter will make it dribble, and weaker (I surfed […]

Salty Observations
Today has it all. This is what I saw… I went down the beach early…5:20am…couldn’t sleep in with all this warm weather. I suffer from FOMO (Fear of missing out). The first thing to catch my eye was the rubbish. Tonnes of the stuff left on the beach yesterday. Disgust. I then strolled down to […]

morning slice
I love these mornings. Crisp morning light with a consistent south swell and not many crew around as it’s a school day. The sun now rises well out to sea in its summer position creating green, backlit walls. It’s a sweet mix between warm in the sun, chilly in the shade. Summer is close. After […]