I didn’t get a chance to shoot this morning for a variety of (boring) reasons. I will spare you. Luckily I have a server with 20 terabytes to house all my images. Here are a few shots from favourite locations that you haven’t seen. I did a beach fly by and witnessed much cleaner conditions, […]

It hasn’t stopped raining since I woke. Sydney is getting a thorough rinsing today – thankfully. It’s been 72 days since we’ve had more than 2mm of rain. Our last day decent wet was June 10! Bring it on – my garden is loving it. We should receive between 15mm and 25mm today. The winds […]

Excitement levels are extremely low today down the beach. The swell has gone, the clear skies are now full of dark rain clouds. It’s a day to do some work. It will rain from now until Sunday night. Binge out on Netflix this weekend. There will be surfable waves all weekend with a new swell. […]

It’s pouring with rain outside in Sydney. Nice day to be indoors. I didn’t shoot this morning for obvious reasons. I choose to show you some gold from the Aquabumps archives. My mother has worked in the airline biz nearly her entire life (and still does). She taught us boys at a young age that […]

10 things I bet you didn’t know about Rio de Janeiro: David Beckham bought a house right in the the middle of Vidigal Favela for $500,000USD. Best views in town. We knocked on his door – not home. There are 60 pet stores around Leblon, Ipanema and Copa. They like dogs. That is like having 60 […]