What is this now, a weekly photo newsletter? Unprecedented times! How are you going to get through all this! Hahaha. Everybody’s routines are messed up at the moment, I’ve started not showering in the morning, it really helps to keep people more than 1.5 metres away! (Wifie not so happy) I asked my kids where […]

Extensions, protests, cases numbers, lockdowns, vaxes, home quazzis…it’s all a bit overwhelming at times, isn’t it? It feels like Delta dominates the TV, our conversations, our worries…remember, we’re all in this together…it’ll pass. Maybe not passing as fast as we’d liked, but it will pass. My Aquabumps daily routine is still not back to pre-outbreak […]

Gravy Train
To be honest, it’s been a fantastic week for surfers in Sydney, and we’re only just getting warmed up. From tomorrow there’s a 4-5 day window of solid east-nor-east swell headed our way – thanks to TC Ana and TC Lucas. That should feed all the beaches in our city with something fun to ride. […]