Estate infinita
Well, that was one helluva beach weekend — one of the year’s most beautiful. With crystal clear warm water and a few small waves, I am pretty sure you’re happy with how your weekend went down. Today – not so great. One foot, offshore, and lots and lots of rain. I wasn’t feeling inspired to […]

Buongiorno, I’m guessing you’re sick of seeing images of hot, summery waveless beaches in Europe. Well, this is my last post from Europe – promise. We’re heading home! We’re missing the groms, and I hear the weather has been amazing in Sydney. We’ve had an incredible two weeks. Europe in peak season is just so […]

Ciao Ciao!
You all know I’m a big fan of Italy. Its coast is just so different from ours, I love shooting here. Everything just looks so good through the lens. No waves, but I enjoy focussing on different things. Within one hour of my arrival, I had a small window in good weather to shoot from […]