The weed has taken over Bondi…the recent rogue swell has uprooted tonnes of seaweed and dumped it at our local. Getting in and out ain’t easy – maybe leave the leggies at home. There is small waves this morning…as our booming swell has evaporated…1-2 footers and junky. Not pretty. Hot weekend install for us, 39 […]

I was down the beach pretty early this morning. Think it was 4:30am. Nuts I know. I tell you what though… there’s plenty of nudity down there at that hour. Upon arrival I saw 1 girl and 4 guys posing nude for photos in suspect poses. Looked like sumpin’ outa ‘Eyes Wide Shut’. Looking down […]

the now
At sunrise the waves weren’t very impressive. Bondi loves these small south swells, especially under 3 foot so they don’t close out, but it was very average early. However around 9am conditions improved and 2 distrinct peaks were puttin’ on some fun ones. You’d have to be quick though, as these offshore W/SW winds will […]

the wund
Mad southerly change ripped along the coast around 7:30am this morning, ruining the still, calm cookin’ morning. Felt like it was going to hit 33 degrees today (again) as you broke into a sweat before 7am – well now you’re probably under-dressed for work as the temps dropped back to winter averages. It hit 33 […]

The Still Chill
The threat of winter has taken the summer’s edge of this morning. You can feel it…it’s coming…nearly had to wear a jumper…look on the bright side – with winter comes decent south swells and low crowds. Also Indo surfing season kicks back into gear…ohhh yeah, now ya talkin’. The talk of the town is this […]