The weather has been patchy around here lately; today’s no different. I’m not quite sure if it’s gonna rain or not – but there are definitely some beach moments mixed in. It’s cooler as we transition into autumn. We’ve got a decent period south swell in town dumping on Bondi. It’s the same old usual […]

The volatile wet weather continues today; it’s pouring as I tap this out. Around 7:10 am there was a brief moment of sunshine, illuminating our bay – I got busy for 30 minutes capturing these images. The surf is small but doable. Waves breaking around waist to shoulder high, uncrowded. Winds are currently SSE with […]

Default Bondi
As we progress into Autumnland, the sunrise moves back around Ben Buckler’s point. I love this time, as the light becomes cross shore, and I shoot a tonne of golden light silhouettes. This morning was your typical good-looking Bondi morning—an abundance of sunshine, ice-bathers, exercisers, sand sanders, frothers, groms and swimmers. If you just landed […]

The swell is up, and the temps are down! Oh boy, when that cold front rolled in yesterday, the temperatures plummeted 10 degrees in minutes. (min. 7.1 °C and max so far today 11 °C ). This morning we’re greeted with frosty well over head high surf and an empty beach. Two frothers tackled the […]

The waves had shrunk overnight, and there was a semi-closeout shorey at the south (1-2 foot). It wasn’t inspiring to surf, but the groms make it look good. Especially Blake’s shredders. A rainy day ahead – but the good news is that Sunday looks dry for the City to Surf fun run. In the good […]

Happy Mondays
Mondays are the quietest days at Bondi, especially when it’s cold. We had some rain earlier – that seems to have passed, thankfully. As we talked about, the swell is up, and there are 3-footers with an odd 4-foot set out there. It’s pretty junkie and confused but surfable. The banks are pretty weird at […]

Some real surfing talent down at Bondi this morning. Our 3 footers drew out all the local shredders and some big wave legends. Not many other places would be breaking today. Bondi had fun ones. Raining now…and it looks to be pretty stormy over the next few days. On the 30th April, Thursday at the […]

Short and Sweet
There’s not really much to talk about today. It’s small. Real small. Going off if you are a 25 kaygee grom (e.g. ‘lil Pete). It’s warm, and getting warmer. The mercury will approach a salubrious twenty-2 today. Wind – no wind. Forecast – nuttin’ much until Monday next week. Things to do – sit in […]

11 Seconds
The swell charts show a swell of 11 seconds, but there’s no height behind it unfortunately. What that translates to is a flat beach, but every 15-20 minutes 1 lone set wave will roll through at 1-1.6 foot. There was a queue of 6 longboarders patiently waiting for that lone set. Other than that it’s […]

It’s always a nice surprise to have good weather after expecting dreary rain and greydom. Don’t always believe the hype. The water has that chilly bite to it, 17.9 degrees, but it’s nothing on last Sunday when we visited artic waters (sub 16). Ridiculous wasn’t it. We’ve got some junky wind chop resembling waves…Bondi was […]