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Well hello and welcome to our 3,456th installment of Aquabumps. Today we are going to take you to the crispy blue waters of Maroubra beach where the current south swell is breaking in an orderly fashion, @ 2-3 foot…and sometimes bigger. The grooming offshore winds are creating clean faces and frosty toes. 6 degrees! So […]

The Boardriders
I can remember back in 2005 when a local Bondi Lifeguard rocked up to my gallery and bounced an idea off me. He wanted to create a TV series on Bondi based around the lifeguards. “Yeah…that may work…will people really wanna see what’s happening in Bondi?” I said to Benny. Well 9 fruitful years of […]

The forecast was for decent waves this morning (4ft+). Last night it started to kick. At 4am I was getting a little excited at the thought of shooting waves over head high and waited for light. In the dark I checked Coastalwatch’s up-to-date take on conditions and it said 32 foot and offshore. Wow…even more […]

I was quite surprised to see energy left in this East swell. The Bra had plenty, early. Sure was wonky though! Barely any wind around and some fun peaks around our hood. Brave the dark clouds and reap the rewards. Today is it though – she’ll fade away into the afternoon whilst a new south […]

Seeya 2013
In keeping with Aquabumps tradition, the last update of the year shows my favourite shots from 2013. I barely traveled this year so it’s all about Bondi. Next year we are not having babies so I will be back on the plane visiting exotic waves and locations. Special thanks to you all for tuning in. […]

Oh man it blew last night. It blew so hard that balconies are collapsing in Bondi (read news). What a storm hey? She brewed up some beefy swell for this morning though. Bondi had waves in the 3-5 foot range with a new ENE swell. Fortunately the winds have passed and now it’s time to […]

Don’t be sad about those grey skies. It’s those grey skies and low pressure systems that create waves. The swell has arrived and Bondi was fun yesterday/today. So fun. I can’t believe we are surfing waves that break above our heads! Let’s party. It’s been a while. Today was relatively uncrowded at Bondeye – being […]

Hola. After all that wind yesterday we are left with some swell. Bondi was breaking chest to head high but looking a little junky and unpredictable. The banks aren’t crash hot… Winds offshore and super chilly. It got down to 8 this morning. The good news is that this weekend looks sunny, warmish and a […]

There is a little, fun, flimsy wave on. It will only be found at beaches that face East…like Maroubra, Manly etc. You won’t find any joy at Bondi. The main show is tomorrow when the swell jacks right up above our heads. So maybe rest, recuperate and soak up these glorious winter rayz until then. […]

These kinda grey, onshore, east swell days are hard work to shoot. Hard to ‘Bring home the bacon’ that’s for sure. So it looks like I am going to rely on some random snaps and witty captions to entertain all 50,000 of you. Not my strength. When I was getting C’s in English 20 odd […]

Every morning is so different down the beach. That’s what keeps me getting up before dawn to document it all. I never get bored of it, even after 14 years of starting my day this way. This morning was kinda special where 2 freaky, rare, once is a long time things went down… a) Sydney […]

Ah yes, I am back in Bondi. Good to be home. Was getting sick of 10 footers (jokes). Bondi looked real spesh all lit up at sunrise. Nice hues streaming in through Benny Buckler. Waves weren’t too flash, a dribbly knee high wave. Fortunately there is a little spike in swell tomorrow and Friday. Hopefully […]

It’s gonna blow
All nice’n’neat’n’calm down the beach this morning. Stark contrast to the monster that is about to unleash tomorrow. At 7am today you’ve got waist to shoulder high waves on a fun little bank at Bondi. Bondi likes this size, being small, it won’t handle it tomorrow. The sunrise was a beauty. Real shiner…spraying hues of […]