Last night’s sweltering heat brought everyone down the beach this morning…just not the waves. The mercury did not drop below 24.2 degrees last night, just a smidge of the all-time hottest night record for November (24.8). So if you couldn’t sleep last night – that’s why. I couldn’t. When I got down the beach this […]

Friday Arvo Dabble
Hi y’all. We’re back in Bondi now and a few shades darker. After a brief visit to the beach with the camera I’ve defaulted to the safe haven of our recent Mentawai’s imagery. Why? Well…15 knot, sloppy, onshore, 1 footers weren’t my cup of tea. Oh it’s pouring with rain too! Boo! The good news […]

Black Magic
Another day of magic in the islands, similar to yesterday. At sunrise the right was 4 – 6 foot, ultra clean and tubing… (and dangerous). Our young gun Caleb Reid punted for the heavens wave after wave. Like a child in a candy store. One of the boys on the boat got tangled in the […]