Silver City
Sunshine? Yeah, you bet – but I had to go 1000 clicks inland to find it, well away from the coastal drenchings this week. Where? Broken Hill or ‘The Silver City’ (as it is sometimes called) is a city forged out of a hill that consists of almost pure silver, lead and zinc. Broken Hill […]

Desert Glamping
Just another day in W.A… Ningaloo Reef is 300 kilometres long and fringes the coast of the Cape Range National Park. You can stay in the park at one of the many campsites (very few hotels), or step it up at the Sal Salis…an eco-retreat with sixteen ‘Glamping’ tents, right on the beach. It’s a […]

Country NSW
Today’s update is a little different. It’s from out west, really west. I’m talking a few hundred km’s west around the region of Orange. They need rain out there. It’s real this drought. I flew over dried up rivers and paddocks that were like dust bowls. It looks like a little bit of rain will […]

I’m a coastal honkie. I spend 99.9% of my time hugging the beaches and rarely venture inland. Today I ended up 1000 kilometres inland for my daily shoot! On the VIC/SA borders with NSW you’ll find an ancient dried up lake now called Mungo National Park. It’s a bizarrely beautiful place with ancient sand/clay formations […]