The weather has been patchy around here lately; today’s no different. I’m not quite sure if it’s gonna rain or not – but there are definitely some beach moments mixed in. It’s cooler as we transition into autumn. We’ve got a decent period south swell in town dumping on Bondi. It’s the same old usual […]

It’s not a pretty picture down the beach. The wind is up, the kitesurfers are out, the rain is about to start…catch my drift? For the past eight weeks, I’ve gone on a photography spree around Sydney. Spending all this time around home has been an excellent opportunity to get to know this great city […]

Ocean Pools
New South Wales is the home of Australia’s unique ocean pools. There are over 100 salty, seaside pools built into rocky points and nooks in this state. Most of them built over 100 years ago. They were originally set up to provide safe swimming havens from our wild oceans and waves, maybe a bit of […]

The Gong!
There is no doubting it, New South Wales is such a diverse and naturally gifted state. We have countless beaches with clear, warm, surfable water. I want to shoot them all. A helicopter helps with this mission. This morning I was flying around Wollongong, taking in all the nooks and crannies of the beachside haven. […]