Illawarra Flybys
Today I’ve flown 200 clicks down the coast to give you a broader surf report. Tough job – I know. Soon drones will probably do my job, and I’ll sleep in. (Drones didn’t shoot today’s photos – btw) Heading south from Wollongong it’s spectacular to see all the beaches from above. New South Wales is blessed with […]

Usually when there is a 13 second, 3-4 foot south swell and offshore winds I have some fantastic waves to shoot. The forecast was a dud – a nonevent – didn’t happen. I can hear the crowd booing, cars are being over turned on the streets and riot police on high alert. What happened? Where […]

I think you all know what I am going to write about today seeing most of you have been out there. All 40,000 of you. The surf is good full stop. We’ve got some decent waves breaking on our holy grail of banks. It’s around 3-4 foot, consistent and fun but the crowds are enormous. […]