Ah yes, I am back in Bondi. Good to be home. Was getting sick of 10 footers (jokes). Bondi looked real spesh all lit up at sunrise. Nice hues streaming in through Benny Buckler. Waves weren’t too flash, a dribbly knee high wave. Fortunately there is a little spike in swell tomorrow and Friday. Hopefully […]

The sun is out – how good is that. Soak it up. The waves are tiny, somewhere between knee to waist high. The wind is blowing onshore and making a mess… …and the Manly Australian Open of Surfing is on live now. Watch it now As you were…:: uge

Friday Fix
I’m pretty sure today is the worst surf day of this week (on this side of the bridge that is…). The wind was in early, the swell has dropped and not a great deal of sunshine to enjoy. Quite a difference 24 hours can make. Yesterday was a goodie…surfed twice. There’s not much happening all […]