The ocean looked hectic and confused this morning. It was meant to be mental big, like 8-10 footers, but apparently, the low changed direction and resulted in multiple swells, all at once, from a few directions and only 4-5 foot. Hectic. I was in my car with wet weather gear, ready to go north, no […]

Full boots
So you’re back at your desk…you’ve had a few days off and you’re a lil’ sun kissed. How good was your long weekend? The weather was impressive…plenty of swell as well. The schoolies are back at class so the beach was a little quiet this morning. It was cloudy and rained when I was down […]

winter denial
Salubrious weather at the moment (big word for Monday I know). Its winter, but we’re pretending its midsummer – especially up the North Coast of NSW where the water is warmer and there isn’t a cloud in the sky. The waves could be better, swell seems to be hitting Sydney cleaner than up here…. we’ve […]