Novelty Waves
When the big storms rip through Sydney, the strange novelty waves come a live – that little piece of reef that never works, that protected corner that is always flat or a harbour beach with a half-assembled shark net and the city in the background starts to pipe up! Before you get too excited, the […]

Inside the Harbour
It’s very soggy outside…not the most photogenic day. I’m keeping the cameras dry and staying inside – for now. Hopefully, this wild east coast low will stir up the swell and tomorrow will be on. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been enjoying time at home, re-exploring Sydney. Usually, I’m on beaches with waves – […]

Harbour Surfing
Wow, that was a wild weekend! That rain dance worked, ’cause torrential rain floods our dry town. Combine the wet with gale-force winds and 10-foot waves you’ve got some interesting conditions. Yesterday: totally howling onshore at Bondi, if you sought refuge in the harbour you would have scored offshore, good overhead waves with 1,000 others. […]

Nielsen Park
Seeing it is overcast, 1 foot and onshore I decided to deviate from Bondi to shoot something different. Change is good. I ended up at Nielsen Park in Vaucluse which is also known as Shark Bay. Nielsen’s got the well known shark net (there isn’t that much to worry about in the harbour). It’s hard to […]