Lord Howe Island
‘Just paradise’ is the island’s tagline – pretty spot on! It’s hard to believe this tiny tropical island in the middle of the Tasman Sea is a part of our NSW state – just 780 kilometres from Sydney. I also can’t believe I haven’t been here before! Lord Howe Island was forged from fire seven […]

d a n k adjective,dank·er,dank·est.unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly:a dank cellar. Well, Sydney is having one helluva wet freedom week. It’s been raining for days. Probably best stay indoors for a while longer, nah, not in the concrete bunkers again. Wait for the storm to pass. The wind has kicked around from the dead […]

True North
There are waves around head high, from the North – which is pretty much useless to us around here as we have no sand at beaches facing that way, and the high tide (7 am) was porking up anything worth slaying. South facing Bondi was tiny, muggy but good for a morning Friday swim. Forecast […]

Sydney is flat, so I decided to visit the (typically) flat water beach of Coogee. Coogee is an Aboriginal word, but Google is telling me it has a few different meanings. 1 study on the name ‘Coogee’ refers to it as the “Smelly place” due to the rotting seaweed on the beach. Another search reveals […]

Both Sides
Living in Sydney, we are surrounded by water. One hundred beaches on one side and the deepest and largest natural harbour in the world on the other. Today we’ve got shots from both sides… Sensational winter’s day, clear skies, quite warm (21). Swell is dribbling into the beaches, not much to write about really. All […]

Ocean Pools
New South Wales is the home of Australia’s unique ocean pools. There are over 100 salty, seaside pools built into rocky points and nooks in this state. Most of them built over 100 years ago. They were originally set up to provide safe swimming havens from our wild oceans and waves, maybe a bit of […]

Loo Paper
The beach was deserted today. It was kinda weird as I saw waves in the waist to chest high range that were surfable/contestable. Not a soul from The Tower to Icebergs…hmmm. Did the rain scare everyone off? ‘Cause it’s been steadily coming down all morning OR are you all queuing up for dunny paper at […]

The weather has done a 180 from yesterday and now we have cooling south winds, onshore mank, and an empty beach. Good day to get some work done. You’re not missing much down here on the beach. Rain coming… I’m selling some of my Canon cameras on eBay. A 1dXMkII for someone who wants to […]

It’s on.
I have to confess, standing on the beach shooting can be torturous when your mates are scoring barrels out front. Today’s got waves, real good ones. It’s offshore all-day and a salubriously sunny, exquisite summer’s day. Swell is fading, and will be much smaller on dark. But…boom! There’s a fresh swell arriving tomorrow flanked with […]

Harbour Surfing
Wow, that was a wild weekend! That rain dance worked, ’cause torrential rain floods our dry town. Combine the wet with gale-force winds and 10-foot waves you’ve got some interesting conditions. Yesterday: totally howling onshore at Bondi, if you sought refuge in the harbour you would have scored offshore, good overhead waves with 1,000 others. […]

Byron Charms
Just mention the word ‘Byron’ and you’ll get a reaction from people. Words like ‘busy’, ‘lost it’ ‘exquisite’ and ‘paradise’ come up a lot. Some people adore the place, some people loathe it for its hustle. I’m here in peak season, yeah there are people around (lots from Bondi), it’s got young energy, but the […]

Da Pass
It’s been nearly four weeks since I’ve picked up a camera. Let’s call it a digital detox + long service leave combined. I’ve been posting up this daily Aquabumps thing for nearly 21 years now, so a little ‘tools down’ really freshens things up. I’m going to surface here, beautiful Byron Bay in peak summer. Yes, we’re back on! […]

City to Surf
We live in a great city. Sydney is surrounded by water. Most of us live close to a beach or nook in the harbour. Bondi is only 7.9 kilometres from the city and has good clean water – the amount of marine life in our ‘hood is a testament to this. Today’s photographs are a […]