Back on Air
I’ve been a bit quiet on here this week. Nah, I haven’t been indulging in the week of south swells. OK, maybe a couple quick cracks at it when you are all chained to your day jobs. It’s been a good week for surfers – plenty of chunks rolling into the bay. Low tide its […]

After a few months of completely clear skies, I’m stoked to see some decent rain in Sydney (finally). I pray that the rain is reaching our farmers in need. You may have noticed that I’ve been on a massive shooting binge lately, hoping from aircraft to aircraft, trying to cover as much of this state as […]

I’m a coastal honkie. I spend 99.9% of my time hugging the beaches and rarely venture inland. Today I ended up 1000 kilometres inland for my daily shoot! On the VIC/SA borders with NSW you’ll find an ancient dried up lake now called Mungo National Park. It’s a bizarrely beautiful place with ancient sand/clay formations […]