modus operandi
Ok…back to my Bondi M.O after a few weeks of road trips, frothing groms and a reprieve from social media/shooting – feeling fresh and ready to take on 2019! It was a treat to capture Bondi today in 22-degree water – that’s about as warm as it will get. Feb is typically the warmest water of […]

Morning Salt
Good morning. It really was a good morning down the beach, earlier, but cloudy now. A small shorey had some pockets on it – I’d surf it – but there was a big crowd up early. Yesterdays shortlived 3-4 footers have faded, as we wait for the next swell – due tonight. (yes, bonus!) My mate […]

After a hot night sometimes it’s tough dragging yourself down the beach in the morning. You’re half asleep, meandering down to the water’s edge – then Boom! Once you’re underwater you feel like a million bucks. Studies show that a swim in cool water can give you mental clarity. (Yes, I do believe it needs […]