Manly is the place to be today. Not only does it have the only surfable wave in NSW (1-2ft), the Australian Open of Surfing is on and heating up. Some big names paddling out today, you can watch it live here. The setup is amazing with a huge skate bowl imported from the U.S., a […]

The sun is out – how good is that. Soak it up. The waves are tiny, somewhere between knee to waist high. The wind is blowing onshore and making a mess… …and the Manly Australian Open of Surfing is on live now. Watch it now As you were…:: uge

Afternoon. Late one I know. Today’s update comes from the boot of my car as we’re at the SurfAid SurfTag event surfing for charity. (at Manly) Thank you for everyone that donated to our team – we raised nearly $10k for SurfAid. The waves are small, 2ish, maybe 3 footish. Better with the incoming tide. […]

Yesterday’s raging swell has subsided considerably overnight leaving 2-3 footers down at Bondi early today. There’s a whiff of an Autumn chill in the morning air, the first time I’d consider wearing anything more than a teo down the beach. Water is still spa bath warm (24?). Few little peaks popping up here and there…nothing […]

Not a lot going wrong today. Sun, big waves and warm water. The most talked about, most anticipated cyclone swell has arrived from the north and is bringing the beef to your local break. Only trouble this morning is the hell fat, early morning high tide. Manly was 6-8 foot at 7am, but full as […]

Mornin’. In our recent survey one of our learnings is that a large portion of you live over the northern beaches. Try get over there a bit more. Today comes to you from Manly, the land of the tall pines. Always a good place to hide from the shredding southerlies which are currently blowing tumbleweed […]

‘strayla Day
The stench of beer has nearly dried up…also the 50,000 ‘strayla Day lunatics have bailed and the grass on North Bondi is on the path of rejuvenation. Back to quiet Bondi after a massive, massive, public holiday. I took over 2,000 images yesterday…there was just so much going on…it seems to be the 1 day […]

The Random Foto Show
It’s been raining since I rolled outa bed and the surf is pretty uninspiring – so foto opps are minimal this morning….hence the random archival revival. I’d say 2-3 foot at east exposed beaches (e.g Zee Bra)…the odd 2 footer at Bondi and barely anyone around. This weekend’s forecast is for no waves. Join in […]

Summer chaos
Not much to write about this morning. There was no light, no sunrise and no waves – bit like my mate Sam – personality-less. (only kiddin’ pal) Yesterday was an incredible beach day though. Half of Sydney was down there – oh boy – spinning rims, big mufflers, bangin’ stereos, big sunnies and baby oil […]

the bird flies north
It’s quite disturbing sitting on a patch of grass at South Bondi, watching 3-4 foot sets close out straight along the whole beach. What a waste. All this swell and nothing doin’…If only we had a reef or a decent bank that could hold waves over 2 foot. The long period ground swell has arrived […]

Frosty dribbles
The short-lived east swell has evapourated and now we’ve just got little knee high dribbles. Bondi was probably the most surfable and a great day for L platers. I can’t see any action in the swell forecast until at least Saturday where a new dead south swell arrives flanked by howling Sw winds. This morning […]

Northside schlep
With a dramatic surge in East swell overnight, Sydney has lit up. Exposed beaches are enjoying 4-6 footers. Bondi was only managing 3-4 foot (neglecting the swell source) and is not the best option today, hence the schlep to the northern biatches. Manly was good…fat…but good….big out the back and definitely had the size of […]

Anti Climax
I think we all got a little bit too excited about the prospects of a decent surf this morning. At sunrise, the predicted swell increase didn’t really eventuate… Seeing the swell was ESE – thought the northern beaches would be a good idea. Manly was probably the best pick as the swell started to finally […]