The swell has dropped a couple of gears and finally, waves are surfable and not closing out straight. I saw bumps breaking in the waist to chest high range – clean too, as there was barely a breath of wind. No sunrise colours today, just a bit of rain and Turneresque cloudy skies. We’re heading […]

These rainy one foot days seem to be all the rage lately. I’m ready for our next phase though – how about 3 feet and sunny. Is that too much to ask for? I’m glad our dams are filling, our farmer’s drought quenched, and the gallery garden is looking Amazonian. It’s official, this summer will be […]

After a night of thunderstorms and a tiny bit of rain, it’s all cleared up and a great morning for a swim. It will heat up to 31 degrees today, a hot one. Tonight let’s hope those rumbling thunderstorms actually bring a decent night of rain to help with our hazardous dry conditions. Swell is […]