Bondi Beach was busting at the seams over the weekend with activity. Wow, there was so much going on – I was glad to see a quiet, rainy beach day today to give it a break. So what did you miss? The Australian Open of Surfing finals were held at Bondi yesterday in the worst […]

As we head into the final straight for Christmas, the beach starts to get quiet. This morning, the waves were tiny as a new southerly breeze was ruffling the surface. There were pockets of light as the high cloud was forever transforming. Today’s post is a collection of images taken between now and last Friday […]

Loo Paper
The beach was deserted today. It was kinda weird as I saw waves in the waist to chest high range that were surfable/contestable. Not a soul from The Tower to Icebergs…hmmm. Did the rain scare everyone off? ‘Cause it’s been steadily coming down all morning OR are you all queuing up for dunny paper at […]

Pretty | Ugly
It’s Monday and an ugly beach day, after a very pretty beach weekend. Why so happy? Because there’s water falling from the sky! And a fair bit of it! Yes, we have rain. Patchy it may be, but I’ve never been so damn excited to see rain. This week we have more coming…just hope it […]

It’s a magic day outside. 1 in 100. It’s that good I think you should all put your tools down, chuck the out-of-office on and hit the beach. The surf is about 5/10…Tamarama had a few on the lower tide but the 11:20 am high tide has engulfed any goodness – it’s now fat as. […]