Twin Pipes
Was kinda a text book Aquabumps Bondi morning. Kicked off with a subtle sunrise, few clouds lighting up. Then the left bank put on some small 2 foot sets – they looked enticing in the morning light. It was nice and glassy, the air was warm and plenty of people up early doing their ‘before […]

Don’t be fooled by the sunny weather – is pretty chilly outside (7) – and it’s only going to get colder as this week progresses. Some arctic air is being pushed up by a low off Tassie…so the first weekend of the ski season should have something to slide on. Down at Bondi it all […]

It’s pretty fickle out there. On/off. Wet/sunny. Cold/hot. Not really sure what to make of it. At 7am the surf looked average with some crumbly 2-3 foots hittin’ Bondi. Around 9am it looked a lot cleaner and lining up better. About 10 x better. Who knows what it will look like by lunchtime when the […]

The plague of small swell continues. Bondi had 1-2 footers and is still very weak (windswell). Not much else to see down there – apart from a whole pile of people. Nice weather, max 27 degrees, maybe a thunderstorm later. Pretty flat until some good stuff arrives next Monday/Tuesday. Sit tight. Most of you probably […]

You’d think after sending daily emails for 11 years we’d have a better handle on it…nope. You may receive two daily emails today, a colourful Lizard Island escape that was intended for yesterday and now you’ve got our back to Bondi edition. Ah yes, a well oiled machine here at Aquabumps. I even lost a […]

What a magic day to not be in the office. 3-5 foot waves, clean offshores and finally some sunshine – the 3rd day without rain in a month. Bondi had some great waves at sunrise. A left was putting on some barrells, but I reckon that would be a common story on many beaches in […]

Stealth swells
Yesterday afternoon’s 4-5 footers at Bondi defied the swell chart predictions (was meant to be around 2-3 foot and dropping fast). Was quite good on night fall. You know you’ve got a sneaky good session at Bondi when all the surfing website authors are out for a few. I asked Ben from Coastalwatch where the […]

The swell we’ve all been waiting for has arrived – but so has the wind. South facing Bondi is squeezing every ounce out of this solid SE swell. Waves are breaking 5 foot + this morning…but it’s a pigsty. Flanking 15 knot southerly is disrupting surface quality. Basically we need this wind to die, give […]

We have swell – tick. 3 footers at Bondi but it’s really quite messy and the incoming high tide was puttin’ plenty of pork into a chubby Bondi. By 10am it was merely a fat high tide shorey, but as we approach the 5pm low tide it should break out the back again. Cool weather […]

Tunnel Vision
It’s not often we get barrels down at Bondi. If we do its more of a head dip into a ball of froth. I see heaps of dudes claiming ’em. Today there were barrels. Good ones. Real ones. Meaty ones. Barrells that kind looked like they were from somewhere else. The south swell that arrived […]

With a rainy start to the day Bondi was pretty much deserted. The storm drain in the south was pumping out all kinds of gooob…didn’t look that inviting. In the middle of the beach a lefthander was trying to work as two guys took it in turns, Wal and Luke Kennedy (Tracks editor). Swell is […]