It’s a full moon tonight. It’s when weird stuff happens. Arrroooooo. You know…like two women brawling over toilet paper at your local supermarket (have you seen this?). That’s weird. Weird stuff is happening around us. Yeah, blame it on the moon. It will pass. Breathe. Stay calm. Bondi’s got a few waves this morning under […]

Yeah nah?
To go or not to go? Whilst the surf has tapered off, the winds are not blowing and there’s a clean head high wave on offer. With morning higher tides it definitely got some wonk on it. Surf now or on the lower tides? Will the wind come in? Dunno. I do know there’s a larger, […]

Game on. Before you drop everything and sprint away from your office desk, hear me out. Swell has cranked right up overnight and from the SE. Winds are perfectly offshore. It’s breaking in the 3-5 foot range, but it’s pretty hard work at Bondi, and very fickle with the tide. Lots of closeouts but some […]

Firstly, I want to apologise. The images in today’s post are full of dust spots. When you shoot arty pharty slow shutters (with tiny apertures) you need a squeaky clean image sensor – that I don’t have. So instead of spending the next 3 hours de-dusting these shots, I ran ’em…just as they are. If […]

Debbie does…
Debbie is coming to town. She’s gonna take over. The deluge is just kicking off now as I write to you. The winds will hoooooowwwwl at 30 knots (from 2 pm today). Temperatures will drop into the afternoon and your garden is going to get a good dowsing. There was some NE swell at sunrise, in […]

2 Percent
Well, wasn’t that a busy beach weekend with hot weather, small waves and little wind. Such steamy days…best enjoyed hugging the coastline. Bondi was rammed yesterday. Tamarama and Bronte same same. People visit Bondi and must think it’s always like that – absolute chaos. The amazing thing is those busy days are about 2 percent of […]

Things have calmed down along our coast and we have some manageable waves at Bondi. It’s still pretty agitated. It rained on me around 5 times in the 1 hour period I was shooting – so the weather still has room for improvement. Gee the garden is getting a good watering at the moment and […]

It’s Friday and the swell is dropping just in time for the weekend. It’s still rideable and chest to head high on sets. The NW (6kn) winds have really cleaned the place up and the new banks are working a treat. After all that rain I reckon the south drain pumps out some sand into […]

Drive By
When I got up this morning it was raining. Not enough to give the car a good wash, just enough to keep my morning shoot confined to my vehicle. So all of these images were taken from my front seat, lens propped up against the window. With regards to the surf, these are the dayz. […]

Friday Fix
Two weeks ago we did a road trip through some of New Zealand’s spectacular beaches with our guide, Kiwi surf legend, Maz Quinn. N-Zed is such a under-rated surf destination with so many good setups, I’ll be back for sure. The photos I took on the roadie were very popular with you all, so I […]

Today’s daily slice is broadcast from a beach called Ruapuke, a scenic 30 minute dirt road drive from Raglan (that’ll be New Zealand kids). Today is the smallest day of the week and we only found 2 footers, with the odd 3 footers (on the incoming) along a pretty much deserted volcanic black sand beach […]

Each morning this week has been very similar. It all started out very grey and gloomy but now transformed in a glorious day outside – sunshine + 3 footers is the best way to sum it up. A good one to get down the beach (for now). The BOM says thunderstorms and rain forecasted – […]

Made in China
Looks like I didn’t missing many good waves Monday or Tuesday this week (yes, I am still in China in that same room looking at the wall for the 3rd day). But hang on…just got Kane Skennar’s images from Bondi this morning… it looks like fun 2-3 footers as the wind has finally backed off. […]