One of Bondi's most underrated slayers, Luke Adam


Nothing is worse than donning a wet wettie in the dark before sunrise. This persistent nemesis onshore rain pattern seems stuck over Sydney – and won’t push offshore. Nonetheless, there are plenty of waves this morning in the chest to occasionally head wide variety. Huge pack of groms up early, feasting before school. Currently, the wind is holding off […]

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Luke Adam, blasting

South Chump Change

As I write this, a south change is moving from stage right. It’s bringing wind and waves – lots of wind. Tonight expect SSW 30 knots plus. The wave energy will ramp, and tomorrow, you’ll see conditions similar to last Saturday’s 8-footers. It will be very messy with all that wind, but interesting nonetheless. Have […]

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Door to door on my street - the man hunt - yesterday

Bondi Manhunt

Never a dull moment around Bondi. Yesterday arvo, whilst cooking my famous Beef Boganoff (Fusion edition), the police surrounded our houses along the street. I thought it must be the alluring scent of my culinary genius bellowing onto the road (again)—like when you wander past Belle’s chicken. MMMmmmmm. The POLAIR helicopter then parked directly above […]

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Beau Walker, nearly took me out when he landed this one

Rip Currents

For a small beach, 900 metres to be exact, Bondi sure does get some powerful rips. You’ve seen ’em on the Bondi Rescue TV show – they’re real. The rip at 2nd ramp south Bondi has a bit on it! (makes for a good rip bowl though). Today we’ve got waves in the waist to […]

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South Bondi's red rocks showing recent erosion


Kinda mellow finish to the week, tiny surf and colourful sunrise skies. It’s been a good week for surfers, but today suits the learners brigade – it’s tiny. A spot of rain tonight, cloudy, then days of sunshine follow. How good. The red rocks at South Bondi, after all the erosion, are super exposed at […]

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The rip bowls had some lip, Bondi


The swell has backed off overnight and multiple banks had some rip bowls at Bondaka. It looked fun, lots of paddling against strong rips. A good looking day outside, 25 degrees on the forecast. Winds will swing from NW to NE later. Have a great day, :: uge

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The mother ship laying cable


It was like waking up on the set of an alien movie this morning, an ominous giant mother ship lurking just off our shores – quietly, observing us. Will they make contact? Are they abducting surfers for biological tests? Maybe it’s a french gang of surfers who’ve heard Tamarama has a few banks, and they’re […]

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Luke Adam, blowing fins. Bondi 7am

Morning candy

It may be dark and occasionally rainy, but there was a left-hander worthy of a paddle at sunrise. Emphasis on the ‘was’ part. My 10:35 am surf check reveals the show is all over, for now. The SE swell from yesterday has dissipated. Do some work. KS in Sydney I can remember shooting Kelly Slater surf a Maroubra QS […]

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Luke Adam, rail slide


A lotta happy campers are rolling around Bondi at the moment. Grins ear to ear. Why? Yesterday arvo the wind blew offshore, and there were waves to be had… I couldn’t believe how quickly the ocean when from a manky mess to groomed lines, 4-5 footers. Yeeeha! Today, it’s dropped gears and the early morning […]

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