My photographic inspiration was very low this morning as grey skies drizzled rain on half footers. It’s a dreary Bondi day out there, barely anyone in the water and on the beach. It was too small for my 20-kilo groms – that’s saying something. I shot 4 or 5 pics and then returned to the […]

Far North
Yeah, I’m still in Byron. Sensational place.I spent about an hour writing this amazing post of 10 things you should know about Byron – but, somehow, somewhere, I lost it. Dog ate it. WordPress engulfed it (not happy). You’d think after writing over 6,000 of these posts I’d have it down. Obviously not. I’d usually […]

A Day in the Bay
Cheer up. Slow down. Chill out. Yes, I’m in the herbal regions of Byron Bay today. The most ironic thing about Byron is that it’s manic – it’s busier than Bondi! The most easterly point of Australia juts out into the Pacific – with an enormous bay on one side (Byron Bay). This unique setup […]

The swell has backed right off but the Australian Surfing Festival is still running today up at Port Macquarie’s Lighthouse beach (Watonga Rocks). The short boards are now out there and they’re making the most of the trying conditions. Not many beaches along the East Coast would have a wave at all today. Lucky the […]