Road Kill
I nearly got run over by a car twice this morning on my way to the Aquabumps HQ. That’s not a bad morning really, sometimes it’s more. The first time was someone running a stop sign on Gould, the other was 100 metres on…where crosswalks seem to mean floor it and try to collect something […]
Moving Water
“Bondi” or “Boondi” is an Aboriginal word meaning water breaking over rocks or noise of water breaking over rocks. Lots of noise from breaking water this morning as the swell has spiked into the 4-5 foot region. Even a few bay closeouts. But…it’s not lining up well at all and our delicate sand banks don’t […]
No Royal couples, no wind (yet), not really any waves…but yes, we have sunshine! Ah yes, Bondi’s back to its usual spring pattern. The 7:30am high tide was killing it for surfers. Waves limped into the south facing Bondi whilst it was waaaay too full for Tama. Lower tides will be more promising. If you’re coming to […]