Jumpa Lagi

Today’s the last update from Bali (thankfully say some)…we leave here water logged, sun charred and relaxed. The waves haven’t been big over these past two weeks, but still fun. I see the cooler temperatures are starting to creep into Sydney so a Bali escape may be a good idea. Bali at this time of […]

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Dash to Deserts

Yesterday we crossed the 2nd deepest water channel in the world, the Lombok Strait, which is 3 kilometers deep in parts. A one-hour speedboat ride from Lembongan Island will take you to one of the most famous, most fickle left-handers in the world…the almighty Desert Point of Lombok. You’ve seen it in mags, in surf […]

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Good morning. (Selamat Pagi). Lembongan Island hosts a few surf breaks but the best wave is Shipwrecks, a machined right-hander that has a barrel on the right tide, air section (if that’s your flavour) and a fat cuttie section – good combo. It can appear completely flat for most of the day, but on changing […]

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U l u s

Hiya. A delayed flight meant a couple of hours to kill and thought I’d pump out a update from the island paradise of Bali. Haven’t been shooting much as I’m having a break but there were a few big sets at Uluwatu on the weekend worth raving about. Friday/Saturday saw a spike in swell at […]

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The drop

I don’t know what happened to the surf overnight, but whatever it was, it’s evil. The small 14 second ground swell of yesterday has, well, pretty much gone even though my charts said it should’ve hang around longer. The next 3 days look dire. Virtually no swell and rain until Monday. Been following the Goldie […]

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